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From I, Jeshua ben Joseph...Your Brother and Friend

A Conversation with Jeshua ben Joseph...About Then and Now

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Blog

For many years, as I was searching for the Truth about life on Earth, many things simply did not make sense to me, Jeshua ben Joseph. It was particularly, what are the words, confusing and disconcerning...when I would seek out a wise person, who would claim to have answers for my questions, and yet, their explanations did not resonate with what I felt was the "Truth". 

There were many, many so-called "wise people" with good hearts, who tried to answer my know, the Big Questions...some of which were: who am I, why are we there a God or Creator...what is the Creator like...what is important to the there a there a hell...if there is a Heaven, how do we obtain entrance?  

Even during my youth, I was asking questions such as these...and my parents, known as Mary and Joseph, would help me find the wise people that could respond with knowledge and intelligence about such things. I learned, after many years, that what I initially perceived as...what are the words...good have such wonderful parents...that there was no "luck" involved...that much of the framework for each human incarnation was part of a rather extensive pre-birth planning process...what is called today the pre-incarnation planning process. this era...there are some wonderful books on this planning process that would be most enlightening for all to benefit from...that is, "if" a Soul was so inclined...which was another of my many questions...why are some souls interested in such topics, while others are completely absorbed in the mundane aspects of Life on Earth?

Things...humanity...has changed much from when I walked your planet (two thousand years ago) that many, many more incarnated Souls are seeking for the answers to the Big Questions. Although many more incarnated Souls have some of the pieces to what I will call the "puzzle of Life on Earth", it is still rare to find "wise ones" that can convey what is called the "Big Picture"...or overview of what Life on Earth is all about. 

No matter where I journeyed search for answers on your planet...and believe me, when I say that I searched for the wisest people, no matter where I had to travel to...for I was, as you say...driven to find answers to all of my questions. Eventually, after many years of searching and learning, I pieced together all of the answers to the Big Questions. 

I was taught by the wisest Souls in form...and some not in human bodies...who even then, taught me to "look within" for the answers to all of my questions...which I must admit, initially did not make any sense to me. If the answers were "within me", then why was I asking the questions? You understand what I mean, don't you?

Eventually, I learned that this...what I will call...the awakening to the Truth...the awakening to the wonder...the awakening to the Great Mystery of our Creator...The Source of All...our Divine Parent...was a path all Souls would eventually travel...but only after they had planned for and experienced everything they desired without the Truth...without the knowledge about the Great Mystery of our Divine Parent "within"..."within" all of my brothers and sisters..."within everything in all of Creation". The teachings and revelations about our Divine Parent in these matters was, as one can say...unfathomable and mind-boggling.

There was such a you say, "gap"...or distance between how most were livng on Earth and "Reality"...between what most perceived as reality and the Truth of "Reality". This...very sizable gap in knowledge and understanding, in and of itself, was more than a little perplexing. How could it be so? How could it be possible for all of the so-called Children of God, my brothers and sisters, to be oblivious to "Reality"? 

In this regard, not much has changed in 2,000 years...and then again, the gap I speak of...the gap between "perceived reality" and the True Reality is slowly shrinking. Two thousand years ago, I...we..."Abba", which is my name for our Divine Parent...The Great Mystery of Love...could not be as direct as we can be today...for the Truth could not be explained, understood and accepted by the masses. For the Truth...the answers to the Big Questions...were simply too mind-boggling...and even today, most of my brothers and sisters in form will turn away from the Truth...and not for reasons that many of you may initially formulate.

But today...I do not want to venture too far away from the purpose of this article...on this vehicle of communcation called a blog, which is a wonderful form of communicating the Big Answers to the Big Questions...which is why Abba has sought out a Soul who was ready to play a role in communicating the answers to the Big a manner that has never, truly been accepted by the masses on Earth.  

Even 2,000 years ago when I, Jeshua ben Joseph, told my followers that "Abba does all things through me", they reacted in total disbelief...for they could not comprehend such a thing...just as Souls today, react when Michael says that he is functioning as a channel and medium for our Divine Parent...The Great Mystery of Life and delivering the contents of the numerous articles on this, what is called "God's Blog".  

For those, the large majority, that doubt Michael...I suggest that you study and practice my many channeled and contemporary teachings...which we, Abba and I, have conveyed through numerous channels. We, Abba and I, have used numerous channels in this era so those who would label all such teachings as the product of "just one insane person", just one so-called "nut job"...could not verbalize such a claim...for the tone, content, and spirit of all of my channeled teachings are consistent...the same...and yet, they provide a progression of depth and Truth.  

When I say "we" (Abba and I) is communicating that all of Life, all of Creation, all Souls are connected...for there is no separation...from me, from your brothers and sisters, from our Divine Parent...from anything, anywhere. We...all Christed Beings of Love and Light are One with our I have said many times and in many a wave is to the Ocean...mind-boggling, incomprehensible of course...and yet, REALITY...a "Reality" that is even explained by your quantum physics. Some non-incarnate sisters and brothers are as you say, awake and enlightened, and participate with me in delivering this message...even though I function here as the primary make it easier for you to accept the Message of Love...that we were all created to deliver...and experience...throughout Creation, "as guided by our Creator".

And then there are sisters and brothers who have chosen to temporarily experience your Dream World of fear-based consciousness on Earth, which includes the illusion...the non-reality of separation from our Divine Parent...The Great Mystery of Love that is "everywhere and everywhen"... 

Which brings me to the conclusion of this article...a message that we (Abba and I) also communicated 2,000 years ago...and the same one that we continue to deliver in this current era...a more direct and comprehensive progression of teachings that culminate with "The Way" of Mastery trilogy.  "The Way" was the label used for these teachings two thousand years ago...although the current era...with the benefits of more, as you say, modern tools of communication...the Truth can be conveyed to the masses as never before...for it is time.

So, my sisters and brothers, "if" you are interested to the answers to all of the Big Questions, study and practice The Way of Mastery. Admittedly, some are not yet ready...some are not yet done with the experiences of your Dream World of fear and separation from your Divine Parent...and "this is...what it is"...for the Sovereignty of All Souls is Sacred.   

However, for those who seek the Truth...who seek the answers to the Big Questions...or for that matter, answers to any questions you may have...the path to those answers is The Way of Mastery...which is the path of looking within...for if I condense the message of The Way of Mastery into just a few words...those words would be...look within for all answers, for your Divine Parent resides there with you!

Peace be with you my sisters and brothers...

Your friend...

Jeshua ben Joseph



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