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A New Topic This Day...My Children

Are You Settling for Reading the Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph Rather Than Living In Your Relationship With Me, Your Divine Parent?

Monday, October 10, 2022 Blog

A topic We have touched on and around in a few articles...but not one we have explored in our beginning this day. Most Souls are reluctant to even mention the subject in every day it is would you frame it...dis-tasteful or unpleasant and thus, it is a subject rarely discussed openly in social gatherings.

And what could this unpleasent subject be? Death of course...Souls such as yourself rarley discuss though it is something that can be you all move inevitably towards physical death...from the moment you came into this dimension called physicality...this dimension of unending drama...this dimension of every kind and type of consciousness that anyone could possibly imagine...everything from ecstasy to devastation and depression...the depths of which motivate some to what is called suicide...yes, suicide...the taking of one's own life. very sad such events are...are they not?   

And yet...and one ever really they? They...the suicide Souls..."think" they are going to end their lives...they "think" they are going to "escape" awareness of whatever they are finding so distasteful that they want to escape...and yet, all they accomplish is moving from one dimension of consciousness into "another"...only in the later, they discover that they have no physical body...or temporary costume as some more appropriately call it. 

Suicide...this is our beginning topic this day...

And what could possibly motivate any soul...any Wondrous Being of Love and Light to take their own Life?...or so it is called. For the experience of course...the experience My Childrem...for that is what motivates all of you to make all of the decisions that you make...moment to moment...the experience.

And what is it...what is it that pushes you...nudges make decisions that you do? Emotions...emotions My Children...

The emotions of fear or Love...those are the two big emotions...from which all others originate. You may call the emotions that motivate you to action by many names...but they always come back to either Love or fear. Fear is an interesting phenomenon...for fear...if you can imagine...and you can not part of your normal...your natural awakened state...not part of "Life" in the Spiritual least not most aspects of them.  

In order to be fearful, a Soul (a Being of Love) usually has to be fearful of loosing something or not obtaining something...and when you abide in the Spirirutal Realms, what is there to be fearful of loosing? There is no money, no houses, no automobiles, no portfolios, no marriages, no careers per say, no nothing from the physical dimensions...except for two things of course...relationships and Love...we do have both of those...and yet, any Being of Love can temporarily experience anything...any part of physicality at all by simply imagining it...whatever "it" is...just as you can and do in can imagine events in your "Mind" your so-called future...and those imaginary events often motivate you into action...into decisions...into experiences...   

In is your imagination that has gotten you to where you are this very moment...and where could that possibly be? Why would you be reading "God's Blog"? An interesting question is it not? Because you want to know how God God God feels...

Hmm...and why are you interested in all of that? Because you are hoping there is a better way...a better way to live...than the way you are living...yes, yes...God must know a better way to live...that does not include all of the fear and negativity that is part of "my Life"...

Yes...that's do I avoid all of the fear and negativity in my Life? You search for...where is that utopia of consciousness where fear exists no more...and Love reigns supreme? more fear...that's where you want to do I get to "no more fear" you think?

And of course the opposite of fear is part of your process...part of your also a search for Love...and when you arrive at a place...a state of consciousness where you perceive...where you imagine...where you experience a state where you are immersed in fear and void of any Love, you say to yourself..."why go on?"...I cannot stand this any more...

I've tried to avoid fear...and yet, I am still fearful...I cannot seem to get away from fear..."fear is everywhere"...

And I, and I Am but Love, are not going to attempt to list everything you are fearful of because the list has no end...literally...because you are so creative at creating fear...with your awareness and free will...Life after Life...fear, fear and more fear...what are you fearful of today? What are you fearful of today My Children?

That is All...Your Loving Source of All... want something else? You want "something" that will help you escape those moments of desparation that you all feel...that you may not openly talk about...even with your friends and partners, but they still arise do they not? 

Some of you explore those "moments of desparation" with a therapist, who is trained on how to deal with and avoid "those moments". Why do you think there are so many therapists? Why do you think there are so many advisors and consultants for every possible fear that you imagine?

Your financial advisors...

Your marriage councelors...

Your life coaches...

Your career councelors...

Your personal health practioners...

Your spirirtual advisors...

Your meditation gurus...and on the list goes...

Everybody is searching for something...for who do you know who is not...searching that is...around and around you go...and once you find one thing that you are searching for, then it is onto the next...and the next..for there is always something you are searching for... 

Do you actually know anyone who says "I've got everything that I I'm just going to sit here in pure and utter what is called Perfect Peace"...that says..."I'm done...nothing else to do"

There must be somebody? What about Jeshua ben Joseph...the consultant of all consultants...the councelor extraordinaire...he must be done isn't he? What else could he possibly want to accomplish? Let us ask him...

Jeshua ben Joseph...what are you up to today? Is there anything that you still want to accomplish? 

How shall I, Jeshua ben Joseph, say this? How shall I say this to a planet of billions of Souls that are lost in a dimension of pain and suffering? How shall I say this to those that search to be where I am for all of eternity? How do I say this in a way that will motivate those who say they are satisfied with their staus qou? Those who say they are on their spirirutal path to Perfect what else could I possibly want?

Are you Home yet? Yes...that is what I, Jeshua ben Joseph, will ask the entire planet of souls...all six billion of you...Are you Home yet? 

And what is Home you ask? Home is where you know, feel and live in Love every moment of your existence...Love shapes and dominates everything...every breath...every thought...every decision...every action...EVERYTHING...and Love is your Creator, and your Creator is but Love.

Do you have a living, breathing, feeling relationship with your Creator, Who is but Love...every moment of your existence? Do you allow Abba, the Source of All, the Mysterious and Infinite Love that Abba is, to guide you in all of your thoughts, words and actions?

Has your realtionship with Abba, Who is but Love, eliminated all fear from your existence? Does Love permeate your very Beingness...creating a state of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, Perfect Intelligence, Pure Potentiality and Perfect, Infinite Awareness every moment?   

Or...have you talked yourself into "settling for something less"? Have you talked yourself into the illusion that I teach you things you cannot obtain...that the path that I journeyed while temporaily in a body-mind (The Way of Mastery) is simply beyond your reach? And so you "settle" for reading my Contemprary and Channeled "settle" for listening to my channeled events...and a relationship with me, Jeshua ben Joseph, rather than living in the Kingdom within? Within a living relationship beyond imagination...with your Creator and Divine Parent... 

Hmm...if you look know the answers to all of my questions...

Abba...I, Jeshua ben Joseph, have said all I have to say, for as you have taught me, seek Your Kingdom within, for that is where I will find You, know You, feel You, and live in Your Radiance of Love that is mindboggling even to me this day...and yet behold...Your Kingdom of Love is Reality! have been as some say on Earth a "rockstar" of a student...who always takes the next step, and the next step, and the next step, and the next into Our Realtionship...a realtionship of Love that has no end...but how do "We", you and I, and all of your awakened Sisters and Brothers, say the magic words that will motivate your Brothers and Sisters, who dream their dream of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, the Divine Parent of All, to awaken from their Dream World and participate in My Kingdom of Love...within? ask me, Jeshua ben Joseph, a question that You already know the answer to. Do You, The Great Mystery of Love...the Infinite Field of Love and Knowledge, out of which all things arise...the Divine Parent of All, desire to say the words...or shall I, as You have asked me before? 

Jeshua...let us say the words together...for We are inconceivable as that is..and when I, the Divine Parent of All, say "We"...the We includes all of your Brothers and Sisters who slumber in their dream their body-minds, within the Earth dimesnion of physicality.  

Have you suffered enough?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...



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