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A Message From I, Jeshua ben Joseph...and the Council of Christ

A message from Jeshua ben Joseph, as the Spokesperson for The Council of Christ...a Council of All Souls...

Monday, August 15, 2022 Blog

Many will read the articles...the articles on this internet site...and not pay close in very close attention to the information and direction contained herein. This is only because you are so hypnotized by your dream world of fear that you fail to take Michael seriously, as a medium for our Creator...and because of this situation, you will endure the pain and suffering of believing that this world of yours represents REALITY. It does not...

So...if you will not take Michael seriously...may be you should consider the words...that are contained in all of the books that I have channeled over the past many years...through many different, and so-called channels...for I have returned to assist you in awakening from the darkness (fear-based consciousness) that you have languished in Life after Life...after Life.   

Just go to the Jeshua Channeled Books section of this site for a list of books that will direct you to where I am (Love Consciousness...also called Christ Consciousness)...and where I hope to see you in the not to distant future. 

The second channel of my books on this site conveys a series of three books known as The Way of Mastery...yes, that is correct...The Way of Mastery...that were created to provide a pathway for any Soul...including you...from your current state of consciousness, which includes a myriad of dark or negative emotions, to REALITY...yes, the REALITY of reunion with our Creator...The Source of is known as the Heavenly Bliss, of Pure Love Consciousness. Yes...this "Bliss" is where many, many of your brothers and sisters reside for all of eternity. Heavenly Bliss is not a physical is a state of consciousness, your natural state of consciousness...which can be experienced in any dimension of Creation.     

This Heavenly Bliss of union with your Creator...your Divine Parent, is from whence you originate.

So...if you are not to busy experiencing all of your dark emotions (what you call humorous sarcasm) know...the fears, the anxieties, the hatred, the anger, and all of the other dark, stress producing states of particular your false sense of aloneness and separation from our Divine Parent...then may be...just may be you should consider reading or better yet...listening to the first few lessons in The Way of the Heart...the first of three books that comprise The Way of Mastery, at Many of my books, as in books channeled/authored by one Jeshua ben Joseph and friends, are available on this site for in they will not cost you one of your dimes, to listen to my words...yes "listen" to my contemporary teachings, for this site provides the recordings of the original channeled sessions from the 1990s.   

May be if you do not believe in the authenticity of God's Blog, you will believe in my words...that strive you say...set the record that traditional Christianity does not represent the content or spirit of my authentic teachings on obtaining Heavenly Bliss...which my brothers and sisters is a state of consciousness, Christ Consciousness, that you all can obtain, easily enough, while you continue to occupy one of your human bodies...for this was, is, and continues to be the plan of our Creator. 

And...if after listening to the first three lessons in The Way of the choose to return to your fears and sense of be it...but please give me the opportunity to re-introduce the teachings that motivated me to experience, and transcend the crucifixion two thousand years event intended to get the attention of all of my sisters and brothers in in incarnated in physical bodies.  

Well...I succeeded...the crucifixion did receive much attention then...and even today...but let me, Jeshua ben Joseph...the one known as Jesus Christ, be as clear as I can be...the crucifixion was never intended Christianity atone for the sins of mankind and open the gates of Heaven

Part of my message was to communicate that physical survival on your planet is not the goal of incarnation...NOT the goal of incarnating into physical forms...but rather, the goal is to simply to experience everything that could possibly make you temporarily forget your eternal relationship with our Creator...and then to experience the wonder of awakening from your Dream World of fears to the REALITY of LOVE...while still occupying human forms...the REALITY of Pure Love Consciousness...the REALITY of reunion with our Creator, which is what many refer to as Heavenly Bliss. For you have put on the body-mind for the simple enjoyment of looking out through it to observe what Creation is like from that perspective...   

Come...come follow me, Jeshua ben Joseph, for I know The Way...The Way to the Love and Light...that will awaken you from all of your fears...for all of eternity. 

Listen to my words...if only for an hour...and if you then choose to tarry a bit longer in your be it!

One short point of clarrification. All souls have the same spark of Divinity...the same spark of Pure Christ Consciousness that I have...for we were all created the so-called Children of our Divine Parent...a means for the extension of our Creator into form...The Creator observing Its Creation, through Its Creation...Hmm...that will give you something to think about...

Peace be with you this day...

Your brother and friend...

Jeshua ben Joseph



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